Is Tech a Feminist Issue?

I'm glad to announce that I'm going to be talking at another Salon London event at The Hospital Club on October 19th. This time the night's topic is Is Tech a Feminist Issue, and I'm going to be speaking on how algorithms have hidden biases, that reflect reductive, discriminatory thinking on gender (as well as race, religion, etc.), and descend from the history of science in deep and largely hidden ways.The bad news is that the ubiquity of algorithms is making such biases global scale and lightspeed, but the good news is that the obviousness of these biases may lead to their end. I'll talk about the why and how of this critical issue.There will also be talks from Margaret Heffernan, author of Willful Blindness, and Nichi Hodgson, Founder of the Ethical Porn Partnership.It promises to be a fascinating evening, and I hope lots of you are able to come along!


Read. This. Book. "Age of Discovery (Revised Edition)"


Royal Aeronautical Society Talk About BOXARR (now online)